Graduation: 2020

Through ingenuity and perseverance, celebrations are still happening.  Normal is out the window and the new normal is blowing in on the wind.  We as ordinary persons are asked to perform extraordinary feats of courage and strength.  The class of 2020 is the only one of it’s kind and they are off and running.

You can only look to the future through this new way of life.  Yes, there will be challenges but who else but this graduating class has been prepped for such a time as this.  They have already surmounted great physical and emotional challenges.  They have learned many life lessons earlier than we had to.  They are more than ready to jump into the world and make a difference. 

The term 2020 is used for measuring vision.  I can not even imagine what will come of these graduates with that 2020 vision.  They have the opportunity to create a new normal and that is exciting for all of us.


All is well here so far. We are doing everything we can to keep our employees safe. Hoping all of you are doing the same. Follow the guidelines set by the Governor / State of Illinois and Federal Government. Wear your masks / gloves, keep 6 feet apart and disinfect surfaces on a regular basis. Stay healthy and follow your Doctors orders.