July Already

Hello everyone!

It’s JULY!!!!  Another holiday celebrated during the COVID-19 health crisis.  How different everything is now.  For some that is almost unbearable.  We tend to get used to our “ruts” we build for ourselves.  The disappointments of things not being the same can really way down on a person.  As the change on the outside of your circle of influence starts to shrink your inner circle. We must change ourselves and that is a hard decision to make.

This doesn’t mean that you have to like what is happening or even accept it 100%, it means you must come to terms with the current situation and adapt.  When we return to driving this fall, it will be different.  We are working closely with the district developing a plan that will be put into place to help protect us and our passengers from furthering the spread of this virus.  We have been trying out different sanitizers, wipes and disinfecting aerosols.  It will take everyone doing their part to make it all work.  Yes, it will require more effort from our drivers to keep up with the new plan but what idea or new process doesn’t.  Most of what we will be doing we have already done in the past but more emphasis will be put on cleaning protocols.